Association Artichoke
arts and culture organization based in Novi Sad, Serbia
Association Artichoke is dedicated to artistic research and activism, cultural and community engagement and the exploration of social and anthropological issues through various creative mediums: drama, applied theater, movie.

What we do:
Applied Theater Projects
Using various methods of applied theater, we work with different communities, such as young people, older persons, socially vulnerable groups of people etc.
Informal education
We provide specially designed training and workshops based on applied theater methodologies.
We create feature movies and documentaries, dealing with anthropological and cultural phenomena and addressing social issues.
Theoretical researches
Artichoke members are providing consulting services as well, and conducting research work in the field of cultural policies and management in culture.
What we’ve been up to lately
Ageless / Bezvremeni
The first artistically engaged festival in Serbia dedicated to researching and highlighting the problem of discrimination against the older persons, called “Bezvremeni / Ageless”, is scheduled for December 13th and 14th, at the Novi Sad Theater . The festival is organized by the Artichoke Association and the “Novi Sad – European Capital of Culture” Foundation,
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
On the occasion of the observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15th, designated by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 66/127, actresses from the play “Awakened” performed an excerpt from this play as part of the promotion of the publication “Golden Hour,” organized by the Provincial Ombudsman. On this
Premijera predstave “PROBUĐENE: 11 ½ starih žena”
23. mart u 19 časova, u Novom Sadu, na Velikoj sceni Kulturnog centra Novog Sada. Matora veštica, babaroga, starci su spori, bezumni i kao deca, starost je grozna. Koliko je u društvu stereotipa i predrasuda o populaciji 65+? Koliko ih svakodnevno diskriminišu u njihovom okruženju, u komšiluku, pa i porodici? Da li se njihov život